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Some Conferences and Workshops on Functional Data Analysis

Coming Up

Already Happened

    Professor Masahiro MIZUTA, at the Advanced Data Science Laboratory Information Initiative Center Hokkaido University Sapporo 060-0811, Japan, is organizing an invited session in COMPSTAT 2006 http://w3.uniroma1.it/compstat2006/ http://w3.uniroma1.it/compstat2006/provisional-programme.htm for the ARS session (Asian Regional Section of IASC). The title of the session is "Analysis of Functional Data and Complex Data". Prof. Huiwen Wang (Beijing - China), Prof. Yong Dae Kim (Seoul - South Korea) and Prof. Mizuta will talk. Prof. Mizuta also heads a group in Japan looking at topics in functional data analysis.
  • October 28-31, 2005
    Limassol, Cyprus

    The 3rd International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC) world conference on Computational Statistics and Data Analysis took place at the Amathus Beach Hotel in Limassol Cyprus, October 28-31, 2005.

    For this meeting, the group STAPH in Toulouse together with the group nonparametric statistics in the University of Santiago de Compostela organized a session on the theme


    You will find the web site of the conference at http://www.csdassn.org/europe/CSDA2005/

    The conference was a great success, and functional data analysis was represented by four sessions with six papers each. It was one of the best represented topic areas at the meeting.


    Wenceslao Gonzalez Manteiga
    Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa University of Santiago de Compostela 15782, Santiago de Compostela Spain
    E-mail: wenceslao@usc.es

    Philippe Vieu
    Laboratoire Statistique et Probabilites
    Universite Paul Sabatier
    118 route de Narbonne
    31062 Toulouse
    TEL: 33-5 61 55 60 22
    FAX: 33 61-55-60-89
    EMAIL: vieu@cict.fr
  • August 15-17, 2005
    Focused Research Group Converence on Nonparametric Models for Complex Biological Data
    University of California at Davis

    The conference was organized by Jianqing Fan, Hans-Georg Mueller and Chunming Zhang, its themes were functional data analysis in biology and non-and semi-parametric methods for genomics and microarrays. It was sponsored by NSF and IMS. The website is http://anson.ucdavis.edu/~mueller/frg/index3.htm

  • December 9,10,11, 2004:
    Functional Data Analysis seminar and instructional workshop
    Vancouver - British Columbia

    Jim Ramsay, McGill University, presented a research seminar at 4 pm on Thursday Dec 9. On Friday and Saturday, Dec 10 and 11, 9 am - 5 pm, Dr. Ramsay conducted an instructional workshop on functional data analysis. A further description of the workshop is given below.

    These events were funded by the Constance van Eeden Fund, Statistics Department, University of British Columbia and Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, Simon Fraser University.

    Each lecture began with one or more case studies, and the initial lectures were almost entirely case studies. These aimed to show the range of applications possible, to show what insights might be gained from using FDA methods, and to illustrate the challenges that are specific or particularly relevant to the analysis functional data. Case studies were not "how to" sessions, but rather addressed questions like, "Why should I consider this approach?" and "What should I watch out for?"

    The first half of the first day was more oriented to the preliminaries of functional data analysis:
    • What are functional data?
    • How should they be prepared for analysis?
    • How do we convert discrete noisy data to smooth functions?
    • What data exploration tools are useful?
    • Do the data display both phase and amplitude variation?
    • What about principal components analysis and other exploratory methods?

    The remainder of the first day and some of the second day considered linear models for functional data. This is a vast topic, and includes relatively basic topics like functional versions of analysis of variance and regression analysis, as well as issues less familiar to statisticians such as how differential equations can be used to model functional data. All approaches assume that the goal is to explain variation in one or more response variables by variation in one or more input or independent variables where, naturally, at least one of the variables involved is functional.

    All of the talks are posted as either .pdf or .ppt files at ftp://ego.psych.mcgill.ca in directory pub/ramsay/FDAtalks.
  • January 10-11, 2003:
    IMS Mini-Meeting on Functional Data Analysis, Gainseville, FL, USA. This was a most successful meeting, with over 100 participants and a long program of talks and poster.
    Go to www.stat.ufl.edu/symposium/2003/fundat/ for more information and the program.
  • July 6, 2003:
    Workshop on Functional Data Analysis at the International Meeting of the Psychometric Society in Sardinia, Italy, given by Regina Nuzzo and Jim Ramsay. This was aimed at the grad students coming to the meeting, so the technical level was kept low, and the teaching was mostly be examples. View the Sardinia 2003 webpage for powerpoint files.
  • November 4, 5, 6 and 12, 13, and 14, 2003:
    National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD, U.S.A. Titled "Education and training: Functional data analysis", the workshop will be given by Walter Liggett in six three-hour sessions. The fee was $100. For more information go to http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/education/abstrfda.htm.
  • February 26 and 27, 2004:
    Centre de Recherche Mathématique (CRM), l'Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec Canada. Organized and presented by Christian Léger and Jim Ramsay, respectively. For all of the lectures, go to CRM 2004 webpage for PowerPoint and PDF files.
  • June 11 and 12, 2004:
    The Lehrstuhl für Statistik und Mathematik, Fachbereich Rechts-und-Wirtschaftswissenschaften at the University of Mainz has generously hosted this workshop, and made available their excellent lecturing facilities. Special thanks to Frau Gabriele Schuchalter-Eicke and Dr. Jurgen Arns who organized the lecture and handled registrations and local arrangements, and to Professor Alois Kneip for his support and collaboration during Jim Ramsay's visit of three months to the University of Mainz.