Modeling Response Styles in Cross-Country Self-Reports: An Application of a Multilevel Multidimensional Nominal Response Model


We examined the feasibility and results of a multilevel multidimensional nominal response model (ML-MNRM) for measuring both substantive constructs and extreme response style (ERS) across countries. The ML-MNRM considers within-country clustering while allowing overall item slopes to vary across items and examination of whether certain items were more prone to ERS. We applied this model to survey items from TALIS 2013. Results indicated that self-efficacy items were more likely to trigger ERS compared to need for professional development, and the between-country relationships among constructs can change due to ERS. Simulations assessed the estimation approach and found adequate recovery of model parameters and factor scores. We stress the importance of additional validity studies to improve the cross-cultural comparability of substantive constructs.

Journal of Educational Measurement