Rhonda N. Amsel
Associate Professor
Stewart Biological Sciences Bldg.
Room N7/17, 398-6129
rhonda.amsel at mcgill.ca
Selected References
Amsel, R., Fichten, C. (1998) Recommendations for Self-Statement Inventories: Use of Valence, Endpoints, Frequency and Relative Frequency. Cognitive Therapy and Research , v. 22, 3, pp. 255-277 .
Pukall, C.F., Baron, M., Amsel, R., Khalife, S., and Binik, Y.M. (2006) Tender point examination in women with vulvar vestibulitis syndrome.Clinical Journal of Pain, 22(7),601-609.
Bailes, S., Libman, E., Baltzan, M., Amsel, R., Schondorf, R., and Fichten, C.S., (2006) Brief and distict empirical sleepiness and fatigue scales. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 60 (2006) 605-613.
Doyon, J., Bellec, P., Amsel, R., Penhune, V., Monchi, O., Lehericy, S., Benali, H., (2009) Contributions of the Basal Ganglia and Functionally Related Brain Structures to Motor Learning. Behavioral Brain Research, Special Issue on the role of the basal ganglia in learning and memory, guest editors Mark Packard and Claudio Da Cunha, 189,1, 61-75.
Updated: July 2013
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