Buckingham, D., & Shultz, T. R. (2000). The developmental course of distance, time, and velocity concepts: A generative connectionist model. Journal of Cognition and Development, 1, 305-345.  



Connectionist simulations of children’s acquisition of distance (d), time (t), and velocity (v) concepts using a generative algorithm, cascade-correlation, are reported. Rules that correlated most highly with network responses during training were consistent with the developmental course of children’s concepts. Networks integrated the defining dimensions of the concepts first by identity rules (e.g., v = d), then additive rules (e.g., v = d – t), and finally multiplicative rules (e.g., v = d / t). The results are discussed in terms of similarity to children’s development, the contribution of connectionism to the study of cognitive development, contrasts with alternate models, and directions for future research.


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