David J. Ostry


Stewart Biological Sciences Bldg.
Room W7/11, 398-6111
david.ostry at mcgill.ca

Research Areas

Behavioral Neuroscience, Cognition-Language-Perception

Research Summary

Prof. Ostry's research focuses on understanding the biological mechanisms of voluntary movement and deals equally with speech production and human arm motion. We use mathematical models, robots and behavioral and physiological techniques to assess motor function and the characteristics of motor learning. The overall goals are to understand the interplay of sensory and motor function and most recently, to understand how motor learning and adaptation affects sensory function in speech and limb movement.

Selected References

Darainy M, Vahdat S, *Ostry DJ* (2013) Perceptual learning in sensorimotor adaptation. J Neurophysiol. 110: 2152-2162.

Vahdat S, Darainy M, Milner TE, *Ostry DJ* (2011) Functionally specific changes in resting-state sensorimotor networks after motor learning. J Neurosci. 31:16907-16915.

*Ostry DJ*, Darainy M, Mattar AAG, Wong J, Gribble PL (2010) Somatosensory plasticity and motor learning, Journal of Neuroscience, 30: 5384-5393.

Nasir SM, Ostry DJ (2009) Auditory plasticity and speech motor learning. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106:20470-20475.

Updated: November 2013
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