James C. MacDougall

Retired Professor

Stewart Biological Sciences Bldg.
Room N8/2, 514-398-6093
james.macdougall at mcgill.ca

Research Areas

Cognition-Language-Perception, Developmental

Research Summary

Prof. MacDougall is interested in the psychological development -- especially in the areas of cognitive and linguistic processes and literacy -- of deaf and physically disabled children.  Other research includes a study of factors that affect mental health in the deaf population, and issues related to communication, disability and the law.

Selected References

MacDougall, J. C. (2005). The psychological impact of childhood hearing impairment and deafness: Implications for clinical management. ENT News. Pinpoint Publications. Edinburgh, Scotland

MacDougall, J. C. (2004). “Irreconcilable Differences: The Education of Deaf Children in Canada”. Education Canada, Special Edition on Exceptional Children.     

Updated: May 2015
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