Join our team

Volunteers should be highly motivated and detail-oriented, are hired for a 1 year commitment (2 academic terms, summer is optional), and are expected to work 5 hours per week. In turn, CASC Lab Volunteers are given the opportunity to be involved in many aspects of research, including: literature reviews, data entry and coding, and interviewing and administering measures. There may also be opportunities for testing participants in the lab as well as in school-based research.

To become a volunteer, please download and complete the Volunteer Application Form, and send it, along with your C.V. and unofficial transcript to:

Undergraduate Students
Dr. Melanie Dirks supervises undergraduate honours theses (e.g., PSYC 380, PSYC 496/497, PSYC 498) as well as undergraduate research projects (PSYC 450, PSYC 494). Typically, Dr. Dirks accepts 3-4 undergraduate students each year. If you are interested in completing an undergraduate research project in our lab, please send an e-mail expressing your interest, along with your C.V., unofficial transcript, and the course you are registered in to: The deadline for applications is typically mid to late August. Please be advised, however, that most undergraduate students in our lab have been previous volunteers.

Graduate Students
Interested applicants should consult the psychology graduate program at McGill University for further information about admission requirements and deadlines. Students are also encouraged to apply for external funding (e.g., SSHRC, CIHR, FQRSC, FRSQ). We are looking for a talented and motivated graduate student to join our team for Fall 2018.

Thank you to all of the families and schools who have helped make our research a success. We thank the following agencies for their generous support.