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Dryburgh, N. S. J., Khullar, T. H., Sandre, A., Persram, R. J., Bukowski, W. M., & Dirks, M. A. (2020). Evidence base update for measures of social skills and social competence in clinical samples of youth. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 49(5), 573-594.

• Morningstar, M.*, Dirks, M. A. Rappaport, B, Pine, D., & Nelson, E. (In press). Associations between anxious and depressive symptoms and the recognition of vocal socio-emotional expressions in youth. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.

Ethridge, P., Kujawa, A., Dirks, M. A., Arfer, K. B., Kessel, E. M., Klein, D. N., & Weinberg, A. (2017). Neural responses to social and monetary reward in early adolescence and emerging adulthood. Psychophysiology, 54(12), 1786-1799.

Dirks, M. A., Cuttini, L.*, Mott, A. J.*, & Henry, D. B. (2017). Associations between early adolescents' victimization and self-reported responses to peer provocation are moderated by peer-reported aggression. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 27, 436-451.

Morningstar, M.*, Dirks, M. A., & Huang, S.* (2017). Vocal cues underlying youth and adult portrayals of socio-emotional expressions. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 41, 155-183.

Human, L. J., Dirks, M. A., DeLongis, A., & Chen, E. (2016). Congruence and incongruence in adolescents' and parents' perceptions of the family: Using response surface analysis to examine links with adolescents' psychological adjustment. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 45, 2022-2035.

Napoletano, A.,* Elgar, F., Saul, G., Dirks, M. A., & Craig, W. (2016). The view from the bottom: Relative deprivation and bullying victimization in Canadian adolescents. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 20, 3443-3463.

Dirks, M. A., Persram, R.,* Recchia, H., & Howe, N. (2015). Sibling relationships as sources of risk and resilience in the development and maintenance of internalizing and externalizing problems during childhood and adolescence. Clinical Psychology Review, 42, 144-155.

McLaughlin, K. A., Rith-Najarian, L. Dirks, M. A., & Sheridan, M. A. (2015). Low vagal tone magnifies the association between psychosocial stress exposure and internalizing psychopathology in adolescents. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 44, 314-328.

Elgar, F., Napoletano, A.,* Saul, G., Dirks, M. A., Craig, W., Poteat, P., Holt, M., & Koenig, B. W. (2014). Cyberbullying victimization, mental health, and the moderating role of family dinners. JAMA Pediatrics, 168, 1015-1022.

Dirks, M. A., Suor, J. H.,* Rusch, D., & Frazier, S. L. (2014). Children's responses to hypothetical provocation by peers: Coordination of assertive and aggressive strategies. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 42, 1077-1087.

Dirks, M. A., Treat, T. A. & Weersing, V. R. (2014). Youth responses to peer provocation: Links to symptoms of anxiety and depression. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 36, 339-349.

Dirks, M. A., Weersing, V. R., Warnick, E., Alton, M., Gonzalez, A., Dauser, C., Scahill, L., & Woolston, J. (2014). Parent and youth report of youth anxiety: Evidence for measurement invariance. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 55, 284-291.

Bukowski, W. M., Li, K. Z., Dirks, M., & Bouffard, T. (2012). Developmental science and the study of successful development. International Journal of Developmental Science, 6, 57-60.

Dirks, M. A., De Los Reyes, A., Briggs-Gowan, M., Cella, D., & Wakschlag, L. S. (2012). Embracing not erasing contextual variability in children's behavior: Theory and utility in the selection and use of methods and informants in developmental psychopathology. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 53, 558-574.

Dirks, M. A., Treat, T. A., & Weersing, V. R. (2011). Social competence. In R. J. Levesque (ed.), Encyclopedia of adolescence (pp. 2751-2759). New York: Springer.

Dirks, M. A., Treat, T. A., & Weersing, V. R. (2011). The latent structure of youth responses to peer provocation. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 33, 58-68.

Dirks, M. A., Boyle, M. H., & Georgiades, K. (2011). Psychological symptoms in youth and later socioeconomic functioning: Do associations vary by informant? Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 40, 10-22.

Dirks, M. A. & Boyle, M. H. (2010). The comparability of mother-reported structured interviews and checklists for the quantification of youth externalizing symptoms. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 51, 1040-1049.

Dirks, M. A., Treat, T. A., & Weersing, V. R. (2010). The judge specificity of evaluations of youth social behavior: The case of peer provocation. Social Development, 19, 736-757.

Dirks, M. A., Treat, T. A., & Weersing, V. R. (2007). Integrating theoretical, measurement, and intervention models of youth social competence. Clinical Psychology Review, 27, 327-347.

Dirks, M. A., Treat, T. A., & Weersing, V. R. (2007). The situation specificity of youth responses to peer provocation. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 36, 621-628.

• Weersing, V. R. & Dirks, M. A. (2007). Psychotherapy for children and adolescents: A critical overview. In A. Martin & F. R. Volkmar (Eds.), Lewis's child and adolescent psychiatry: A comprehensive textbook, (pp. 789-795). Baltimore, MD: Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins.

• Treat, T. A. & Dirks, M. A. (2007). Bridging clinical and cognitive science. In T. A. Treat, R. R. Bootzin, and T. B. Baker (Eds), Psychological clinical science: Papers in honor of Richard McFall, (pp. 289-318). New York: Taylor and Francis.

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