Current Research

(1) Longitudinal Associations among Depression, Interpersonal Behavior, and Peer Victimization. Funded by Fonds de recherche sur la societé et la culture Québec (FRQSC).
This longitudinal study examines the associations among internalizing symptoms, youths' responses to peer aggression, and their experience of victimization.

(2) "(S)he's Being Mean to Me": What Works for Whom When Responding to Aggression by Peers? Funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).
This series of studies uses multiple methodologies to examine the effectiveness of youth responses to peer aggression.

(3) Understanding affective social competence. Funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).
This line of research examines how emotional expression and recognition skills develop from pre-adolescence to early adulthood, and how these skills relate to competent social support behaviors among friends.

Attention Parents! If you have a child between the ages of 6 and 18, she or he is invited to participate in research taking place at McGill University. For more information about what participation involves, please visit our For Families section.

Thank you to all of the families and schools who have helped make our research a success. We thank the following agencies for their generous support.